SIMPLICIO NXT is the result of ISSEL NORD’s 30 years of experience in software development, in integrated logistics support, technical publications and training aids development. In traditional processes, technical publications, provisioning lists, LSA records and training courses were developed separately. This approach implies misalignment, lack of coherency and extra rework during the documentation life cycle. SIMPLICIO NXT has been designed and developed in order to solve these critical aspects concerning both the production and the management of technical publications as well as initial provisioning lists, LSA records and learning content.



SIMPLICIO NXT is the best and easiest way to produce, manage and deliver:

  • ASD S1000D XML Interactive Electronic Technical Publications (IETP)
  • SCORM® Computer Based and Web Based Training Content (CBT/WBT)
  • ASD S2000M Initial Provisioning Lists (IPL)
  • ASD S3000L and MIL-STD-1388-2B Logistics Support Analysis Records (LSA-R)

Modules Overview

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Why an integrated tool?

The study of S1000D, S2000M, S3000L and SCORM® specifications has proved the need for a common software tool to manage and integrate all standards. SIMPLICIO NXT is an effective software solution, able to integrate the development process of S1000D technical publications with SCORM®-compliant Computer/Web-Based Training (CBT/WBT) systems, in a single Common Source Database (CSDB). SIMPLICIO NXT is more than a S1000D authoring tool: it allows the development of training courses utilizing technical publications content. With SIMPLICIO NXT, SCORM® Learning Objects can be created from already existing S1000D Data Modules, linking text data and illustrations by means of XPath managed by the system. SIMPLICIO NXT integrates the management of IPL in accordance with the S2000M standard, thus allowing full integration with catalogue Data Modules production, and integrates the LSA-R management in accordance with the S3000L standard, thus allowing full integration with technical publications and IPC/IPD production. The system provides a set of advanced features to ensure complete and optimised content management throughout the documentation life cycle. Thanks to this integrated solution, SIMPLICIO NXT allows applicability and versioning management from Data Modules to Learning Objects, technical publications, training courses, provisioning lists and LSA records.


Selling points

Modularity: SIMPLICIO NXT is composed of separate software modules. The customer can choose the modules that better suit the project needs:

  • Technical Publications: ASD S1000D module
  • Learning Content and Training Courses: SCORM® module
  • Initial Provisioning Lists: ASD S2000M module
  • LSA Records: ASD S3000L and/or MIL-STD-1388-2B modules

Information reusability: Thanks to its advanced document database management features, the reuse of information has been optimized. After implementing the Data Modules dedicated to the production of technical publications, the ability to reuse information minimizes duplication, which would result in a loss of consistency between the S1000D technical publications and the SCORM® training documentation. This architecture ensures the integration and reuse of data produced for S2000M IPL and S3000L LSA-R in the Data Modules.

Information traceability: SIMPLICIO NXT provides a version control system for ILS data: each Data Module is properly identified and managed through the document repository. The user can manage the revisions of LSA records, Data Modules, technical publications, multimedia, and keep track of any change in the database. If the content of a Data Module is revised or updated, the system is able to show the impact of such changes throughout the resources that utilize that particular module (i.e. publications, Learning Objects and courses).

Executable software regardless of source format: SIMPLICIO NXT uses international and widely used standards. For this reason, its data are completely platform-independent. Any standard-compliant software can be used to view IETP and SCORM® courses produced by SIMPLICIO NXT. The final layout of technical publications and training documentation is generated by applying style sheets that can be agreed with the customer. Different style sheets may be implemented over time, to allow for customized layouts without the need to modify the content.

System accessibility: SIMPLICIO NXT is “turnkey”, i.e. ready to be installed on a server, and can be used by an unlimited number of users within an intranet. External access via VPN can be implemented based on each company’s requirements.


Custom Services for IETP and LSA-R Production

BREX Data Module: ISSEL NORD offers the definition and production of Business Rules Exchange Modules (BREX) tailored for any type of product. BREX DM is a SIMPLICIO NXT-integrated application that validates S1000D Data Modules by performing a series of automatic checks; these checks verify that the content of each Data Module is written in accordance with the relevant Guidance Document. This level of validation further ensures product quality by preventing human error.

Applicability Data Module: ISSEL NORD offers the definition and production of Applicability Data Modules (ACT, CCT, PCT), in accordance with the requirements and customizations defined in the Business Rules.

HTML Style Sheet: HTML style sheets are used to display Data Modules and technical publications using IETP viewers, and to preview Data Modules during editing and revision activities.

PDF Style Sheet: The PDF style sheet is used to print single Data Modules or complete technical publications according to publishing rules of applicable style guides. A further advantage of this solution is the ability to change the layout of the printed document by applying different style sheets, regardless of the Data Module contents.

LSA-R Import & Export: Various types of LSA-R formats are supported, from the MIL-STD-1388-2B standard dump file up to a specific import/export matrix.