Reporting Violations To The Oversight Board (Whistleblowing)


With this whistleblowing policy, any employee or third party can report any problem related to non-compliance with our Code of Ethics, Organizational Model, Anti-Corruption Policy or with ISSEL NORD’s company procedures. The best way to send a report is to include your name, in order to help any verification of the facts and the collection of further information. The reporting system adopted by ISSEL NORD is in compliance with the requirements of the Law no. 179/2017 (“Whistleblowing Law”).


Here some illustrative, although incomplete, examples of possible reports:

  • conflict of interest cases unknown to the company;
  • corruption attempt of a third part towards any employee or of any employee towards a third party;
  • fraud;
  • inappropriate use of the company assets;
  • intentional communication of false information to a Public Administration.

Any reports of an ambiguous nature, or not detailed, or clearly made in bad faith, or with slanderous and libelous content will not be taken into account. Any report not in the responsibility of the Oversight board will be addressed to the competent functions.


You can send your report to:

  • Mail address:
    Via Trieste 4, 19020 Follo (SP)
    Riservato Organismo di Vigilanza
  • Online platform: it is possible to send reports with or without registration. The platform is a channel adequate to ensure the confidentiality of the data entered by the whistleblower, in compliance with the requirements of the Law no. 179/2017 (“Whistleblowing Law”).
    Use the following button to access the platform.



The Company guarantees the utmost confidentiality as far as the source and the information provided are concerned, except when legally required. ISSEL NORD will avoid retaliation of any kind (disciplinary sanctions, downgrading, suspension, lay-off) as well as any discrimination to those Company employees who, in good faith, report events or situations connected to compliance with our Code of Conduct, Organizational Model, Anticorruption Policy, Company procedures and legal regulations.